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This is an ever-moving target.
Here are some of the things you can do to participate with CFM:
• Visit Free Moms at NCSU Wolf Plaza from 1 to 4 every Thursday
afternoon during school year.
• Text Dan (919-623-5262) if you want to play, pray, help with set-up,
or attend Joy in the Streets.
• Text Nancy (919-357-5574) if you'd like to visit our Sunday
Morning small group house church.
We use Zeffy, a free platfrom for nonprofits that ensures 100% of raised funds go towards our mission. Zeffy is funded solely by contributions from donors like you. Please consider supporting them at the end of your transaaction, so they can continue to provide free software to us and thousands of other charities. You can select a different contribution amount by clicking “Other” in the dropdown. Thank you for supporting free fundraising for all nonprofits!
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